Friday, May 29, 2009

Ah... the aches and pains of landscape projects

We've been contemplating umm.. planning and/or delaying putting in an irrigation system since we moved to our country place last year. We have many good reasons for the delay, but mainly because our land was.... to use the term "heavily wooded" would be a lite description of the state of our "yard", you could barely see the house from the road for the most part. We've overcome major hurdles with the vast amount of yaupon, that has yet to realize it is NOT welcome in certain areas of our yard. I cannot believe they actually sell this stuff as "landscape shrubs" and moreover that people actually want and pay for it ! We can just hear the hardwoods "ahhhs" as we relieve them of the surrounding overgrown yaupons that have been robbing them of their much desired nutrients such as water and sunlight and a place to stretch their roots. It has been a delight to see the graceful shapes of the tree trunks as they have struggled to thrive and politely grow around the underbrush. One of the coolest things, is WE know their story of how and why their trunks have grown in such an artful array of leans and turns, and therefore we are rewarding them with beautiful surroundings of flowers and landscape beds, sunlight and water and S-P-A-C-E. Thus part of the need for the irrigation system which is in progress, it looks like a HUGE mole has taken over our yard, and the call before you dig peeps that are supposed to come out and mark all of the utilities....never showed up! But since the contractor we are using is the same one that put in our pool, he pretty much knew where everything was....almost.... a cut waterline and phone line later...he knows now!!! We're excited to get this finished as we have most of the plants purchased already (due to some killer deals at local nurseries this week). The next battle is to deter the deer that roam through our yard twice daily. After all we do not want them to think our landscaping is an all-you-can-eat deer buffet! Yes, we have researched all the "deer resistant" plants we should use and have purchased accordingly...but it seems the deer out here are not picky eaters. On the advice of a friend the best alternative is to buy a feeder and give them a place of their own. This may be our next purchase. We have determined that one of the "Deer be gone" sprays, is working, with the test plants we have placed in the future beds. Success!!!! I love dirt therapy so I am having the time of my life putting this all together, and in case you're wondering, dirt and mud really does make for great skin! Spa, shma a little time in the yard will do ya...speaking of's time to get out there and enjoy!

New landscape bed in progress. Still working
on the layout.

These stepping stones are made of recycled
trash bags, Rick found them at Sam's.

Huge "gopher trails" currently in our front yard.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Give us this day our daily med (s)

For those of you 50+ peeps that also take daily meds that clutter up kitchen or bathroom counters. (Ok one thing about Mrs. Bux..I don't like alot of little clutter stuff on kitchen counters. Main reason being (besides the fact I just don't like it) is because the granite counter tops in this house are so "busy" you can't clean up "spot" stuff, so the entire surfaces need to be cleaned. )Therefore the less clutter the easier this is to accomplish. SOOOO.... We have our "Middle aged" pharmacy buffet of meds that we must take daily, noooo they don't make us feel like we were 25 again, but they help us to get through day to day middle aged life and deal with things such as Thyroid, blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol issues that are having a tendency of keeping us from feeling like we're still 25. My solution, we had this ugly cow box I always wanted to repaint while we were still in the "city" house because it didn't fit the decor. But I never got around to repainting it, and now since we have moved to the country, it seems to serve it's purpose quite well as it is, I think..... You see Mr. Bux likes his daily meds OUT on the counter right next the the fridge., I don't like the clutter so it seems the ol cow box is the perfect solution.

So I bring out the "ol cow box". It holds our daily "pharmacy buffet" perfectly (at this time), solves the counter clutter problem that bugs the bejasus out of me, and allows the Mr. Bux to have his meds right at hand, next to the fridge watering spout..... and actually I am kind of liking the ol beat up box as it is..... cows and all .....and may not repaint it.'s not an "all you can eat buffet "....that could be ugly! Please excuse my photo account of this post, I am new to to this ( like 2 days) and really frustrated that they are not posting the way I want. I will learn....
Love, happiness and have a great weekend!
From Mrs. Bux

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ya have to start somewhere ...WELCOME.. and this is dedicated to MOM

I've been a blog reader for quite some time now, contemplating starting my own writing journal - I can just see my dearly departed Mother, who was a writer by profession,(more on that later) sitting on her cloud, holding her perfectly manicured lady like hand to her head and whispering to her angel sisters, "She isn't really doing this is she?" No wait..... the positive "K person" sees her with her arms up in the air, wings fluttering, halo glistening, proclaiming, "It's about time she did this, she's so good at expressing herself in such an entertaining manner, everyone (or at least I am) is going to love what she writes and look forward to it everyday!" Well Mom, here goes..... I hope you enjoy, and oh, I hope you are having the time of your eternal life!!! I miss you and love you dearly! (If I had a digital picture of her) I would post a picture of her here, I will do that soon! * Note to self, must purchase scanner...

Hope your day was wonderful!! If you're in or near H-town hope you are dry and safe....and please be mindful of the H1N1!

Blessings, love and happy reading!