Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ya have to start somewhere ...WELCOME.. and this is dedicated to MOM

I've been a blog reader for quite some time now, contemplating starting my own writing journal - I can just see my dearly departed Mother, who was a writer by profession,(more on that later) sitting on her cloud, holding her perfectly manicured lady like hand to her head and whispering to her angel sisters, "She isn't really doing this is she?" No wait..... the positive "K person" sees her with her arms up in the air, wings fluttering, halo glistening, proclaiming, "It's about time she did this, she's so good at expressing herself in such an entertaining manner, everyone (or at least I am) is going to love what she writes and look forward to it everyday!" Well Mom, here goes..... I hope you enjoy, and oh, I hope you are having the time of your eternal life!!! I miss you and love you dearly! (If I had a digital picture of her) I would post a picture of her here, I will do that soon! * Note to self, must purchase scanner...

Hope your day was wonderful!! If you're in or near H-town hope you are dry and safe....and please be mindful of the H1N1!

Blessings, love and happy reading!